Saturday, September 8, 2007

Rodeo Fashion Faux Pas Through the Years

In honor of all the cowboys and cowgirls in town, I decided to review all my "Rode Hard and Put Up Wet" pictures from the Hotness of Herb Photo Vault. What was I thinking?

October 1993

Herb of Virginia in My First Rodeo Cowboy Hat™ and displaying early bear tendencies in a snazzy sleeveless yellow plaid shirt. I did not have relations of any kind with the catatonic mullet on the right.

September 1995

Herb of Pittsburgh wearing white pants and pastels after Labor Day to the rodeo. In addition there is a possible feathered hair violation.

October 1997

Herb of Pittsburgh at an ill advised food stop on the way to the rodeo. Hair color blends into Golden Arches due to continued exposure to natural rays of the "sun." Signs of a Trump-like comb over are beginning to show.

September 2000

Increasingly bearish Herb of DC looking intently at the rodeo action wearing the EXACT same snazzy yellow plaid sleeveless shirt worn in 1993 in picture #1.

No... really look at ME. On the right. In the same shirt. HEY OVER HERE!!

October 2007

My Sad Little Agoraphobic Rodeo ™

One more cowboy fashion faux pas and yet another reminder I'm glad I don't live in the 'burbs.

Happy Rodeo Y'all!

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