Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Who Are You Wearing Pope Daddy?"

To a dance techno remix of
"Oh Lord Won't You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz?", Pope-Daddy kicked off Papal Fashion Week 2008 as he stormed down Avenue P.A. with a fierce all white collection that stunned the normally staid crowd of Washington Fashionistas.

Only He could look fashion in its eye and dare to say "It's my birthday and if I want to wear white before Memorial Day I can!" From the ironically simple white zucchetto on his head to his over the top white bugle beaded "Hollywood Glamour Meets Fisher of Men" cassock, P-Daddy was his Popalicious best as he worked the Pope pole and the crowd in his dyed-to-match all white Popemobile.

The singing, chanting and sign waving fans were left begging for more as Pope Ferosha Coutura exited stage west in a cloud of hair spray pausing only to give a big snap and snarl "Auf Weidersehen."

Nina was not bored.

Photo: from The Washington Post Reader Submissions (valee5)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did he have on those flamboyant red leather Prada shoes? He's got flair!