Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The DC COMEDY CAB: Jokes! Misogyny! Monica Lewinsky!

It was not just my first ride in a sweet metered Diamond Cab Company DC Cab. What, you are expecting some typical weenie DC blog post about how-nice-to-finally-see-a-meter-so-I- tipped- the- driver-extra-money-for-obeying-the-law. Nope, not here bud cause I got jokes, I got Hillary, I even witnessed the return of Monica Frackin' Lewinsky cause I was riding in the DC COMEDY CAB!

And off we go departing from 14th and T NW! Whee!!!!

Meter: $3.00
DC COMEDY CAB: Did you hear that Bill Clinton's dog died? He climbed into bed with Hillary and froze to death.

Meter: $3.75.
DC COMEDY CAB: Do you know why Bill Clinton won't let Hillary wear mini skirts? He doesn't want her b***s to show!

Meter: $5.25
DC COMEDY CAB: Did you hear that Monica Lewinsky is leaving the Democrat Party? She said that the Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth.

Meter $6.50
DC COMEDY CAB: Monica was at the dry cleaners and asked the hard of hearing owner when her dress would be ready. "Come again?" he said. Monica "No just ketchup this time."

Meter $7.75
DC COMEDY CAB: So Chelsea Clinton was visiting Iraq and asked a soldier if he was ever scared. He said "The only thing that scares me is Osama, Obama, and yo Mama."

Arriving at 17th and E the total damage was $7.75 plus the $1.00 gas surcharge for $8.75 which was only .25 more than the old reviled zone rate. And I got COMEDY! I got Bill Clinton! Just don't forget to tip your DC COMEDY CAB DRIVER! He'll be here all week. Try the veal!

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