Sunday, August 31, 2008

Palin Limericks: " McCain Knew His Campaign Was Flailin'"

After reading WASHWORDS' inspired "Campaign Edition Haiku", I was determined to try my hand at some timely Palin limericks. As usual what was a good idea yesterday in the blogosphere is today's viral email and tomorrow's LOL Cats. Since there are already some great ones out there and in the spirit of Labor Day I will let others do the Limericky work! Here are some links and now I can take the rest of the afternoon off from the drudgery of manual blogging.

Happy Labor Day weekend!

From Democratic

McCain knew his campaign was flailin'
And voters were thinking of bailin'
He pulled out of his ass
A Hail Mary pass
And desperately pointed at Palin

Crotchety, cranky, and gripey
Gramps McCain donned his adult dipey
"Palin lacks cred
But I'm nearly dead
And I need that hottie to wipe me!"

With polish, panache, and much promise,
Her selection would outshine Obama's.
But unlike putting Quayle in,
The choice of Ms. Palin
Was much more like Eagleton, Thomas.

Daily Kos

There once was a maverick "un"
whose veepstakes was really no fun.
He picked Sarah Palin:
"When it comes to Dan Quaylin'
I'm second to Bush 41!"

Any more?


washwords said...

oooh, i will write one. i promise. i just saw all the fussy fuss over at dcblogs and lordie. here i was innocently leaving my picks and eeeksters, all heck is breaking loose.

anyway as usual your comment "hey did anyone watch that speech?" made me laugh the hardest.

more when i'm wittier and less asleep

your fave bloggie friend, ww

Anonymous said...

There once was a lady moose-shooter,
Picked as the GOP vote-commuter.
But the public knew better
Than to side with the vetter
That picked her because of her coo-- uh, because of her... strong conservative values.

Herb said...

Anon! that is awesome! Thanks for posting!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to contribute! We're actually having a lefty/righty limerick showdown over here:
Feel free to check 'em out or post some of your own.


Anonymous said...

Happy to contribute! We're actually having a lefty/righty limerick showdown over here:
Feel free to check 'em out or post some of your own.
